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Brazil trip day 4: Eight comforters!

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Today I did not have the constitution for much, and neither did the rest of my family or my sister Marnie’s new husband Yan. Originally a boat trip had been planned to visit the point where the Rio Negro and Rio Salimoes meet to form the Amazon, but given everyone’s exhaustion and hangovers, it was cancelled.

I slept until 1:00PM. The seven hours of sleep were much needed.

Marnie & Yan opened some of their wedding presents today, with startling results. Before I continue, let me explain that the weather here is permanently humid, has nearly reached 90 degrees every day, and is like this most of the year. So when my sister & her new husband opened their gifts to discover that they had been given not one, not two, not three but EIGHT heavy comforters, all they could do was laugh and shake their heads. Apparently, comforters are considered a luxury item in this area of Brazil, and their guests wanted to get them the very best! Needless to say, some returns and exchanges are in their future.

...that's a lot of comforters.

Later in the evening we headed out for a dinner of fried meats, accompanied by the usual farofa, vinagrete, mayonaise (potato salad), and rice, and very strong caipiroskas (like caipirinhas, but with vodka instead of caƧhasa). As with all the food I’ve had since I’ve been here it was fantastic.

Tasty fried meats!

Tomorrow a trip is planned to Marnie’s country house in Fatima. Time to rest!

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