New EP "Through This Fire" : Listen on Spotify | Order CD


What goes with me on tour?

I’m about to hit the road for 30 days on my motorcycle, playing over 20 shows in 15 different states. So what do I take with me when I hit the road? This isn’t absolutely everything (beef jerky & trail mix are missing from the shot), but it should give you a good sense of […]

Mind of McFarland Round 3, aka “He’s really still doing these?”

It’s funny, as soon as I started making these graphics, I realized how many of these sorts of thoughts go through my head on a regular basis. As soon as one crosses my mind now, I make note of it. I’ve already got a few weeks worth of backlog. So, in other words, it doesn’t […]

On Motorcycle Safety, and being “None of the Above”

So I’m now 11 days away from spending a month on the road on my beloved Condor A350 motorycle – my first tour that I’ll be undertaking entirely on two wheels. I’ll be playing more than 20 shows, covering most of the US east of the Mississippi, ranging from Chicago to Baltimore to Tampa to New […]

More Mind of McFarland: Another week of stupid thoughts.

Here it is: Another week’s worth of my random thoughts about Star Wars, The Hunger Games, asparagus pee, viscachas and their wisdom, songwriting, and grammar nazism. Enjoy!            

Mind of McFarland – Week 1 roundup!

So I’ve commented in the past that my brain is a fun place to live. About a week ago, I decided that it would be amusing (for me at least!) to share some of those thoughts. I can’t promise that this will continue to be a daily thing, but for the moment I’ve got a […]

This I’ll Defend: The Evolution of a Logo

Over the past week, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to my online identity, and the archipelagic nature thereof. I’d been having a difficult time reconciling the different aspects of my personality, and the related interests, into one cohesive whole. I’m a singer-songwriter, whose roots are in rock music, who has a deep and […]

Why is there a motorcycle in my kitchen?

There is currently a 1974 Condor A350 motorcycle parked in my kitchen. It’s a motorcycle I bought a few months after moving to Asheville, North Carolina, in fulfillment of a desire I’d had for years. I’d ridden a few friends’ bikes in the past, but had never been able to justify purchasing one of my […]

My – and possibly nobody else’s! – favorite albums of 2011.

So I’ve read through a lot of “best of 2011” roundups in various magazines, online and in print. Whenever I read through lists like that, I find myself questioning my taste in music, as rarely do any of my favorites find their way onto these lists. This year I decided to contribute my two cents […]

I like – and write – pop music. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.

I originally posted this as a facebook status, but as I added additional commentary it started to sound like a blog post, so I thought I’d turn it into one! Reading through end-of-year music roundups, it’s amazing the amount of pretension and “if it’s on mainstream radio, it must be bad!” present, especially in the […]

Backwards Writing and Bottle Rockets

Yesterday I released a music video for my song Bottle Rocket. I thought about explaining the shooting of the video & what we did on July 3, 2011, but I think the video itself covers that well enough, so instead I decided to write about where the song and video came from, and why the […]

Brazil trip day 6-7: Cupuaçu, Cartels, and an X-Burger

Today, my butt hurts. Why does my butt hurt? I guess you’ll have to keep reading. I’m writing this in the Sao Paulo airport, while waiting for boarding to begin for my nine-hour flight to Washington DC, then an hour-and-a-half flight to Charlotte, a two-hour drive back to Asheville and I’ll be home! My 6th […]

Brazil trip day 5: A visit to Fatima

Today I got to experience a different side of the Amazonian region of Brazil. Around 11:00 we set off from Marnie & Yan’s apartment to visit her sítio – her country house. Before she & Yan got an apartment in the Educandos neighborhood of Manaus, this was here primary place of residence in Brazil. She […]